Sunday, September 18, 2016

Been MIA...Sorry for that...

So I have been MIA for a bit, and I want to take this time to apologize to everyone who has missed me. Things got a little rough here in my little corner of the world, and I had to take some time to reevaluate some things and regroup, but fear not for we are back.

Being a working mom, college student and special needs momma can take a lot out of someone, and the last few weeks the stress that I have been under from multiple sources finally caught up with me, and I got sick, I mean really sick. Let me tell you, it really made me put a few things into perspective, and I think that I finally see that there is more out there than what I have been letting myself and my little family experience.

I was away from most technology for over a week, during that time I realized that there is so much that I haven't been letting us live a memorable life in real life if I am always living through an online persona, and that the life here in the digital world isn't always as real as we think. Stepping back from it all I got to see that I was missing some quality time with my son and fiancé, which was not my intention at all. I have now realized that perhaps I have put too much on my proverbial plate, if you will, and maybe something really does have to give.

From here on out, I am going to be posting once a week on my blog, more than likely it will be on the weekends after Johnny has went to bed, but will be more active on my Pinterest account( and my Twitter account ( which allow me to quickly share or post something with everyone, without taking a large chunk of time out of my already hectic schedule. I would love to see those of you who are reading this to follow me on those sites as well.

Look forward to seeing you all on my other pages! Have a great night and an even better week!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

When Reality Hits You

As some of you may know, I work at the front desk of a local hotel. I love my job and more importantly I love my guests. Well this morning during morning check out, one of my housekeepers came to me with pictures of one of her rooms that was just completely trashed. Upon first looking at the pictures I was upset that someone would leave a room like this, especially when they have an AARP rate. Thinking to myself, I just can't believe that someone that age would even think to do this. As the head housekeeper asked me about who stayed in that room, as she was pulling trash bags with pull-ups out of her trash cart, I checked...and then I was instantly mad at myself.

While I didn't actually see the people who stayed in that room, and the name didn't ring any bells for me, her email address that was listed on her reservation struck me like a knife. The first part of her email was autism....I told the head housekeeper as well as the housekeeper who was cleaning the room, that I know that it isn't an excuse, but someone who had autism clearly stayed in that room, and that chances are they were left unattended for even the slightest bit of time. Like I said I knew almost instantly after searching a bit that I was looking at what autism can do when someone who has it is in a new environment.

My heart is breaking for the poor child/person who stayed with us last night, and I am truly sorry that I was judgmental at first of the person who rented the room. Reality has hit me hard today, and I am truly thankful and blessed for all those in our lives that help make Johnny who he is.

Images that steal my heart...

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Somedays You Just Have To Pick Your Battles...

Today is one of those days where you literally just have to pick your battles. Today was picture day at school, don't know what they look like, but heard from the teacher that Johnny looks like the most "down in the dumps" kid out of the group, so they took several in the hopes that one is decent. Heard that he had a meltdown at lunch because he didn't want to eat what the cafeteria was serving, and decided that only eating the chips and just a few baked beans constituted as eating lunch today. I am constantly reminding myself today that I really have to pick my battles, what is worth fighting over, and what can I just let go and remember that tomorrow is another day.

Thankfully tomorrow is another day, that happens to be my birthday. I am turning 35 tomorrow, and Johnny is going to spend the night with his Aunt Jo. He has a blast when he spends the night with her and Uncle Mike, hopefully tomorrow is no exception to that. We got brave about a year or so ago and let Johnny start staying the night with them, which was quite hard on all of us, but figured that it needed to be done. He has always been a terrible sleeper, and is actually on medication to help him sleep, but we found for the longest time that he wouldn't sleep anywhere but home. One trip over to his aunt and uncle's he lost his fight with his meds and fell asleep there. So his aunt told us to just let him sleep, so we did. That night was the worst sleep that his dad and I had ever gotten. It has gotten some better, for all of us, to where we get more sleep, and don't wake up to check on Johnny, who isn't here. It was such a huge step for all of us, and we don't let him sleep over often, but every once in a while it is certainly a nice thing for all of us.

So while I am typing this, and he should be in bed sleeping, I hear him chattering in his room about his "surprise" tomorrow, as we haven't told him, I guess this is the battle that I am going to pick and try to get him to settle down and go to sleep. Lord knows 7:30 AM comes awfully early...especially on a super busy day.

Sunday, August 28, 2016


I have an opportunity to switch jobs, which may be better for us, or may hurt my family beyond belief; not sure yet. I just know that changes are not something that my kiddo takes lightly. So I am wondering how you get your ASD child prepared for changes, so that they transition better? If I do get this other position, it will involve me working full time instead of part time, and I will be away from home more.

There have already been quite a few changes with my son recently, including him starting a new school, and all the fun things that go with that. He seems to have done okay transitioning to the school and class, which I am thankful for, because it is so much of a better situation and environment for him, I think. I hopeful that he will have quite a bit of progression here once we get into the swing of things with the class.

I am thinking that this job move would be great for us and give us more opportunities, as well as allow us to have some freedoms that we haven't been able to do in quite some time. I know that Johnny craves to have some normalcy in his life as much as we crave for him to have it. But due to some financial constraints lately, we just haven't been able to go and do as many things as we all would like to do with him, but this job shift would allow that for us next year.

So the other question I have, how many moms out there work outside of the home and also maybe have a 2 income household? Anyone please who would like to answer this let me know...

I also wanted to throw my twitter account at everyone, so that maybe those who are reading my blog would like to follow my adventures there as well...

AutismMom44903's Twitter

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Words From Another Mother...

I am almost 8 years old but my brain wants to me much younger.
I live in a world I try to understand, but people don't understand mine.
I try to make friends, I know what to say but my brain doesn't let me.
I want to speak, I know what to say but words do not come out.
My brain is always going, even when I want it to slow down.
I break down and get upset because I cant tell you what hurts, how I feel or what I want.
I know many things, I have an amazing mind but its hard for it to come out.
I feel trapped in my own body, begging for an escape.
Some lights and sounds hurt me because my senses are heightened and go crazy.
My brain doesn't let me grasp the concept of danger, which could hurt me one day.
I make weird noises and people stare, and say mean things to my mom and dad. Its not my fault, I do this to keep my body in sync.
People say I have no feelings and cant express emotion, but that's just not true. I get happy, angry and love just like you.
My Autism gives me gifts too,
I force people to slow down, because the little things in life mean the most.
I make people take time to celebrate even the smallest accomplishments.
I make people did down deep and find strength they never thought they had.
My autism makes people re think their judgments before they judge someone else.
One day, I will win this battle. One day I wont be defined by my autism, my autism will be defined by me.

I felt compelled to write this, its been on my mind the last couple days. I'm not sure why. So many of us take even the smallest things for granted, communicating, friends, and every day "normal" life. As us Autism parents quite often hear "it always could be worse" and that is very true, but our fight is really hard too. There are so many barriers that need broken before we can get to them. Take a minute, think about what it would be like not being able to communicate to anyone, not being able to walk outside of your own, even taking a bath or shower on your own. I know i am guilty of taking these small things for granted. I encourage you all to take time out of your day and celebrate the small things. One thing about Autism i have found is that the smallest things in life are usually the best things.

This was a post that I got from one of my son's former classmates mom. Her son has a more severe case of Autism than my son, but a lot of the feelings that she expresses are the ones that I wish I could have before Johnathan began talking and progressing. My heart breaks for those who encounter things like this on a daily basis, because so many people just don't understand.

Autism is definitely not for the weak...

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Blueberries...Who Knew?!?

For those who read my post yesterday, the festival didn't go so hot last night. Well tonight we decided to brave going to the Blueberry Festival in Lexington Ohio. We took Johnny's push chair with us tonight. It went so much better than last night. Between the beautiful weather that we had tonight and the eio Special Tomato Push Chair, the festival was much more enjoyable, and almost pain free.

The big thing yesterday was all of the tugging and pulling that Johnny does when he gets super excited about something. Well with both his dad and myself having RA and me having Fibro, it just doesn't make for an enjoyable time for us. Thank God for this push chair, it has been a blessing for us, and it makes everyone less stressed.

So tonight dinner was Blueberry flavored fair food goodness. Johnny got his usual Fried Mixed Vegetables, which surprisingly he ate every last bit of them, with no fighting or argument. Even though he doesn't like being in his push chair, apparently it does calm him down and allows him to be able to eat and decompress quite well.

Between the blueberries, and the push chair, tonight was the exact opposite of what we dealt with yesterday...Here's to hoping that some day we won't need a push chair to go on family outings.

Happy Sunday!