Thursday, August 18, 2016

MIA Yesterday

Sorry to those who are reading my blog for missing my post yesterday. I had a terrible migraine that left me in bed 99% of the day. Today has been some better, but I have noticed that last night's full moon has been causing issues with Johnathan.

Johnathan has been on medication to let him sleep since he turned 2 years old. We thanks to the full moon, he fought his sleep, and ended up not being asleep until after 11, which is 2 hours past his bedtime. Well even though he went to bed way later than he should I have, I thought that he, maybe just maybe would sleep in this morning...Yeah not sure what I was thinking, he never sleeps in. He was up before 7:30 this morning. Either way he has been given his meds again at his normal time tonight, and I am hoping for less of a fight today than I had last night, as he really needs to get adjusted to this new bedtime before school starts next week. His new "old school" that he is going to be attending has an hour earlier start time than what he has been used to, and I want him to be prepared so that we don't have as much of a rush to deal with in the mornings.

With all that being said, does anyone have any hints and tips to share about what has helped your kiddos, and what you have tried that hasn't worked? Maybe if we all work together we can help each other out with issues that we all encounter at some point.

Hope everyone has a great evening :)

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